Green Recognition Program

The purpose of the Green Recognition Program is to showcase the environmental efforts of area businesses, community organizations and individual citizens. The award recognizes that a healthy economy and a healthy environment are mutually supportive. Businesses and individuals who are doing things to lessen harmful environmental impacts should be recognized, which may inspire others to make changes that lessen the environmental impacts on their lifestyle and operations.

Winners would be encouraged to share their knowledge and efforts with the community and promote practices city-wide. A nomination will allow one to share their story, recognize hard work, highlight good environmental practices, receive well-deserved press coverage and promote industry firsts and significant accomplishments.

Criteria for Green Recognition Program: Business Nomination
Preventing Waste
Using Recycled Products
Energy Conservation
Hazardous Materials Reduction / Elimination
Water Conservation / Quality
Improving Air Quality
Educational Program

Criteria for Green Recognition Program: Community Organization
Using "Green" to Promote Fort Atkinson
Involving Citizens
Educational Programs

Criteria for Green Recognition Program: Individual Resident
Commitment to Recycling
Use of Environmentally Friendly Building Materials
Use of Environmentally Friendly Energy
Energy Conservation